Here at Cascade Equine Sports Medicine, LLC., we are dedicated to keeping your horses as healthy as possible with a proper vaccination schedule.

Since horses have different vaccination needs, depending on where they live, if they travel, and what they do, we recommend discussing your horse’s vaccination schedule with us. Together we can start a schedule that will work for you and your new horse.

Horses typically don’t get vaccinations until they are several months old, depending on their needs. Some vaccinations are started at four months old and need to be boostered three to four weeks later. Some vaccinations are not given until a horse is five to six months old. Most of these also need to be boostered three to four weeks later.

Some vaccinations need to be given when your horse is eight to eleven months old. Depending on the form of the vaccine given, it may need to be boostered.

After your horse receives all of the boosters, he or she will need to get vaccinated every year. We can give horses a lot of different vaccinations to prevent many common diseases. However, we always look at the location where your horse lives before deciding whether or not there is a risk of the disease. We try not to give too many vaccinations. We just want to give enough so that your horse stays healthy and well protected.

If you have any questions about vaccinating your horse, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (503) 369-9224.